Site Preparation for Construction Projects in Melbourne

At the start of any project, it is important to have the site cleared to be prepared for your construction project. In order to get the site prepared you will need to remove older structures. You might also need to get rid of rocks, trees and other debris that present on site. AkKhouzamhelps in all these processes. We also help with construction and renovation plans and help with searching sites. We work with other trades to ensure the site you want is delivered on time and the process to finishing it on time is completed.

Best Range for Site Preparation Services in Melbourne

The building cost of site preparation is hard to estimate as we need to consider plans by engineers, the materials that we would need, and crew to get work done. It is variable in the conceptual phase when only an idea of the big picture is present.

It was difficult to get a cost estimate in the past during this conceptual phase and the estimate was not accurate. With advancements in technology, we are able to get a estimate quote by feeding in the blueprint of the site as well as sketching other required details on it. The computer will give an estimate amount and display choices within your budget. An estimate of a site work should have the following included:

  • Sewage system
  • Demolitions and clearing the site
  • Cost of materials
  • Cost of equipment
  • Cost of the work crew
  • Site visitation
  • Blueprint of the building
  • Gutter and curb cost calculations
  • Water system
  • Hauling cost estimation
  • Calculation of the accessible roads

Despite all these you will not get an exact calculation, but it will provide a good idea of what to expect upon completion of the project. An important tip to keep in mind is that the more information you provide, the more accurate these calculations will be. To prepare your site for construction you need to do the following:

  • Testing the soil to see if the structure you have planned will be possible for that soil type. If the current plan does not work on the soil, we can modify the building structure having understood the properties of that soil type.
  • Conducting survey of underground wire to make the building’s wiring map.

Site preparation requires a range of activities like demolition, clearing the debris, layout plan etc. Sometimes, it will also require land filling, excavating, levelling of surfaces and other land preparations. It is necessary to do an anti-termite treatment before the construction begins.

Are you looking for site preparation services in Melbourne? We specialise in site preparation for construction in Melbourne by using specialised equipment and technology. It is our aim to keep the environment safe, so we use site preparation solution which are tested to give maximum benefit to the environment as well as our clients. To get a quote, give us a call on 04 1680 0119 or email us at

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